• QWhat is Creatorlink?
  • A

    Creatorlink is a service that allows creators to create their own portfolio site for posting their work and share it with creators around the world.


    Also, you can use the Creatorlink not just as a portfolio site, you can create a site for your business, marketing, eCommerce, and more.

  • QSigning Up for a Creatorlink
  • A
    You can sign up with your email address.

    1. Click the Get Started button

    2. Enter the Name, Email Address, and Password

    3. Check on the agreement of the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy

    4. Click Join Now button

    5. Go to your email account and verify your email

    If you have deleted your account or you cannot access your email account, please request us to change your email address (ID) to a new email address which you can access through 1:1 inquiry.
  • QIs a Creatorlink service is free?
  • A
    Yes, you can use a Creatorlink for free.
    Also, Creatorlink provides free website edit tools, free domain, free hosting, and more.
    If you need a premium feature like a custom domain, more storage, more traffic then you can upgrade your plan to premium whenever you want.
  • QCan I create and edit the website on mobile?
  • A
    Editing of the website is provided only in the PC version.
    So, you cannot access the edit mode on the mobile or tablet.
    Please use a PC for editing.
  • QAre there any browser limitations for using Creatorlink services?
  • A
    The Creatorlink site is compatible with Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Internet Explorer (at least version 10). To use Creatorlink services smoothly, please choose one of the above browsers and update your browser to the latest version. (You may download the latest version for one of the above browsers, by using one of the links below). 

    We recommend using the Google Chrome browser to edit your site for best performance.
    * Please note that the Internet Explorer service will be close on 08/17/2021.
  • QIs the site created by Creatorlink compatible with iPads or other tablets?
  • AYes, all of the sites created by Creatorlink is support iPads or other tablets as the site is a responsive site. This means the site automatically adjusts the layout to fit all sizes of the screen.
  • QHow many sites can I create in one account?
  • A
    You can create free websites up to 10 and you can create premium websites unlimited.

    For example) If you have 10 sites which are 4 premium sites and 6 free sites then you can still create 4 free sites more in your account.
  • QHow can I create a website?
  • A
    1. Access to your Creatorlink account.

    2. Click the Create a New Site button

    3. Enter your domain ID

    4. Click Create button

    5. Select the template that you want to use

    6. Click the Edit This Design button

    7. You will access to Edit mode

    Now you can edit your website~ : )


  • QI want to create a site without using the provided template.
  • A
    If you choose the first time for your website
    1. Choose the Blank template on the template page

    If you want to change the template
    1. Click the Template on the footer of the Creatorlink site

    2. Choose the Blank template on the template page

    * Please note that when you change the template current data will be deleted and the new template will be replaced.
  • QCan I use images provided in a template?
  • AYes, you can use images used in a template. The images contained in Creatorlink templates are available for the public to use as all the image licenses are CC0 (CC Zero).
  • QCan I change my website template to another template design?
  • A
    If you want to change the template after creating the homepage, you can change the template on the template page. 
    1. Click the Template on the footer of the Creatorlink.

    2. Choose the template that you want to apply.

    * Please note that when you change the template current data will be deleted and the new template will be replaced.
    * If you do not want to lose your current data then you can just add the block that was used on the other template in edit mode. All blocks of the template are provided on the block menu.
  • QWhat happens to my website if I change the template?
  • AWhen you change the template, current data will be deleted and the new template will be replaced. So please think carefully before changing the template.
Navigation Settings
  • QNavigation Settings Interface
  • A

    1. Add Page/Section() – Add a page or section for the site
    2. Edit() – Edit the menu name
    3. Copy() – Copy the menu with page/section
    * The contents of the forum block do not copy.
    * The block name and block settings do not copy.

    4. Delete() – Delete the menu with page/section. 
    5. Link() – You can add a link to the menu.
    You can find out more by clicking here (메뉴 링크 기능 안내)
    6. Invisible() – Hide a menu with page/section 
    7. Page Permission() – You can set the authority to access the page
    You can find out more by clicking here (메뉴 링크 기능 안내)
  • QWhat is the Intro page?
  • A
    Intro page is the first page that shows when you access to the site.
    Also, you cannot delete the Intro page.

    If you make an intro page invisible, the first activate menu will be the first page of the site when you access the site.
  • QHow do I change the position of the menu?
  • A
    1. Click the Navigation Settings

    2. Click and drag the menu to the position that you want to move
  • QHow do I add a menu?
  • A
    1. Click the Navigation Settings
    2. Click the Add Page button
    3. Enter the name and click the Check button
  • QHow do I create a submenu?
  • A
    You can create a submenu at the Navigation Settings menu.

    [How to create a submenu]
    1. Click an Add a page button and create a submenu 

    2. Drag the menu and over to the top menu

    3. The menu becomes a submenu

  • QHow do I change the menu name?
  • A
    1. Click the Navigation Settings
    2. Click the Edit icon on the menu
    3. Edit the menu name and click the Check button
  • QHow do I duplicate the menu?
  • A
    1. Click the Navigation Settings 
    2. Click the Copy icon on the menu
    3. Check the duplicated menu has been created on the Navigation Settings
  • QHow do I delete the menu?
  • A
    1. Click the Navigation Settings
    2. Click the Delete icon on the menu
    3. Click the Ok button on the window

    * Please note that when you delete the menu, all contents in the menu also delete together.
  • QMenu Link Function
  • A
    You can add 6 types of the link such as Default Link, URL, Submenu Link, Block Link(Anchor), File Download, and Used as a menu header(unclickable).

    1. Default Link
    It moves to its own page.

    * What is the own page?
    When you create a menu, it refers to the page that is automatically created for that menu.

    2. URL
    It moves to the site that you entered the URL.

    3. Submenu Link
    This option is available when the menu has a submenu.
    It moves to the selected submenu page when you click the menu.

    4. Block Link(Anchor)
    It moves to the select block location.
    The block link option is only available if there is a block that enables the block link function.

    * You cannot move to the block that block is on the same menu page.

    5. File Download
    * You can download a file by clicking the link.
    * You can upload up to 10MB per file.

    6. Used as a menu header(unclickable)
    The menu is used as a folder that does not move anywhere.
    It is only available when it has sub-menu(s).

    * When you add a link to the menu, the menu page is hidden except the Default Link option.
  • QHow do I hide the menu?
  • A
    1. Click the Navigation Settings

    2. Click the Hide icon on the menu
  • QHow do I allow access to the page to only specific people?
  • A
    1. Click the Navigation Settings

    2. Click the Page Permission icon on the menu

    3. Choose the option and click the Ok button

    Public – Everyone can access the page
    Only me – Only administrators can access the page
    Password – Only people who know the password can access the page
    Site members only – Only the site member who are equal or higher than level that set
Site Settings
  • QWhat is the One Page Style?
  • A
    Instead of viewing your site with many different pages, you can set your site to be a single page. This way, visitors can easily view many pages as one long page by scrolling.

    You can always switch between the One-page style and Multi-page style by turn on/off the One page Style option at the Site Settings menu.
  • QWhat should the resolution and size of a background image for my portfolio site be?
  • AScreen size will vary depending on the device you are using (your image will respond or adapt its size to every device, unless you customize some code), but we suggest you use a 1920 x 1100 px image at 72 dpi (px = pixels, dpi = dots per inch).
  • QHow do I change the background image?
  • A
    For website background color/image
    You can change your website’s background color/image by clicking the Site Settings > Background > Color/Image.

    For block background color/image
    You can change your block’s background color/image by clicking the Block setting > Basic > Background > Color/Image on the block.

  • QHow do I change default font of the site?
  • AYou can set your default font at the Site Settings > Default Font.
  • QCan I use fonts for different languages?
  • A
    You can use fonts for nine different languages for your text.
    Supported Languages: English, Korean, Japanese, Thai, Arabic, Cyrillic, Hebrew, Chinese, Vietnamese

    1. Click the Edit Site in the dashboard

    2. Click the Site Settings > Default Font tab

    3. Click the Font option And Click the Add Language

    4. Select the languages that you want to use

  • Q Why does my website slow down after added the language fonts to my font list?
  • A
    Some of the langue font file sizes are large.
    So, when you add and use fonts that size is large, it makes your site loading slow.
    We recommend you use only necessary language fonts for your website.
  • QHow do I add background music?
  • A
    1. Click the Edit Site in the dashboard

    2. Click the Site Settings > Background Music

    3. Turn on the Use

    4. Click the Add Music to upload the music

  • QHow do I add the Popup?
  • A
    1. Click the Edit Site in the dashboard

    2. Click the Site Settings > Popup

    3. Turn on the USE

    4. Click the Add Popup to upload the popup image

  • QCan I change the position of the Popup?
  • A
    Unfortunately, you cannot change the Popup position.

    * Notice
    1. Default position of the Popup is center of the site
    2. You can add the Popup up to 3.
    3. If the total length of the three pop-up windows is longer than the width of the browser, the pop-up window partially overlaps.
  • QHow do I use the Button for Mobile feature?
  • A
    You can use the Button for the Mobile feature when you upgrade your plan to a Business plan. 
    You can add a maximum of 3 buttons at the bottom of the mobile screen.
    You can add links to each button such as make a call or link to the menu, map, other sites, or others.

    [How to set the button for mobile]
    1. Click the Edit Site in the dashboard

    2. Click the Site Settings > Button For Moblie

    [Button for Mobile Setting] 

    1. ITEM NAME – Enter the name of the item
    2. Order – Change order of the item by dragging and drop
    3. View – Able/Disable the item
    4. Phone – Enter the phone number
    5. Link – You can add a URL Link / Menu Link / Block Link(Anchor)
    6. Icon – Choose the icon for the button.
    7. Background color –Choose the background color for the button. You can choose a more different color than default colors
    8. Apply – Apply the settings to the site
    9. Preview – You can check how your settings for the buttons look on the mobile
  • Q How can I protect my images and text from my website?
  • A
    You can protect your images and text by turning on the Disable right-clicks option at the Site Settings menu. By enabling this option, users will not be able to right-click on your site.

    * Please note that this option does not guarantee 100% protection, as visitors can still take screenshots or view your site’s source code depending on the browser.

  • QCan I see my website as the desktop version on mobile?
  • A
    Yes, you can see your website as a desktop version by using the Desktop Version for Mobile function.

    1. Go to Edit mode

    2. Click the Site Settings > Desktop Version For Mobile

    3. Turn on the function.

    4. Choose the default view for the site in mobile

    5. You can switch the view between the Mobile version and Desktop version by clicking the button at the bottom of the screen.

  • QCan I zoom in/out in the mobile browser?
  • A
    You can zoom in/out in mobile browser by using the Mobile Zoom option.

    1. Click the Edit Site in the dashboard

    2. Click the Site Settings > Mobile zoom tab

    * The Mobile Zoom function may not work depending on the mobile browser setting or policy.
  • QWhat is a “Block”?
  • A
    A block is a basic element to build your site (a building block). You can add, delete, or rearrange blocks to easily create your site.

    Create a fabulous website using more than 1,000 different types of blocks provided by Creatorlink : )
  • Q How do I change the settings for the block?
  • A
    Every block has the Block Settings icon on the block's right top sides. The Block Settings window will be pop up when you click the Block Settings icon. 
    And you can change the settings on the Block Settings window.
  • QHow do I add a block?
  • A
    1-1. The Add Block Here icon will be displayed at the top and bottom sides of the block.
    * If you click the top side Add Block Here icon of the block, the block is inserted above the block. 
    * If you click the bottom side Add Block Here icon of the block, the block is inserted below the block.

    1-2. If the page is empty, you can click the empty block area.

    2. Select the type of the bock
    3. Select the block design
    4. Click the Apply button
  • QHow do I duplicate the block?
  • A
    1. Click the Block Setting icon on the block

    2. Click the Duplicate button on the block setting

    * The Form block does not support the Duplicate feature.
    * When you duplicate the Gallery or Forum block, the content is not duplicated.

  • QHow do I change the block location?
  • A
    1. Click the Block Setting icon on the block

    2. Click the Reorder button

    3. Click and drag the block to the place you want to move 

    4. Click the Save button
  • QHow do I delete a block?
  • A
    1. Click the Block Setting icon on the block

    2. Click the Delete button

    3. Click the OK button to delete the block

    * You can restore the deleted block by using the Undo feature.
    * Please note that you cannot restore the forum data. So please think carefully when you delete the forum block.
  • QHow do I delete a block?
  • A
    1. Click the Block Setting icon on the block

    2. Click the Hide button
  • QHow do I change the padding of the block?
  • A
    1. Click the Block Setting icon on the block

    2. Click the Padding

    3. Set the padding as you want

    * Please note that you can set the padding value with px only for Top and Bottom
    * You can apply the Left & Right padding by turn on the option.

  • QWhat is the Block Link(Anchor)?
  • A
    The Block Link is a link that makes you move to the specific block.
    You can use any block to be a block link except the menu and footer block.
  • QHow do I add a Block Link?
  • A
    1. Click the Block Setting icon on the block

    2. Click the Block Name/Link(Anchor)

    3. Turn on the Block Link and change the Block Name for easy to recognize

    4. Click the Link icon on the element (Text, Image, Menu, etc.)

    5. Select the Block Link(Anchor) and choose the block to move

  • QHow do I edit the Advanced setting of the block?
  • A

    1. Click the Block settings icon on the block

    2. Click the Advanced tab

    3. Edit the settings

  • QHow do I set the logo?
  • A
    You can set the logo at the block settings of the block that has the logo.

    [Image Type]

    1. Logo Type : You can select the logo type between the Image and the Text
    2. Image : You can change the logo image
    3. Size(height) : You can set the height value of the logo image. The width ratio value also is changed as the height value change
    e.g.) If the image size is 100px X 30px and change the height to 60, the width change to 200.
    3. Original : Use the original image size or ratio

    [Text Type]

    1. Logo Type : You can select the logo type between the Image and the Text
    2. Text : Enter the text for the logo
    3. Logo Color : You can change the logo text color
    4. Logo Font : You can change the font type of the logo text
    5. Logo Size : You can change the font size of the logo text
    6. Line Spacing : If you have multiple lines of the logo text, you can adjust the line spacing
  • QHow do I change the Menu block design?
  • A
    1. Click the Block Setting icon on the block

    2. Click the Change Menu Design icon

    3. Select the Menu block design and click Apply button
  • QHow do I change the logo to text type?
  • A
    1. Click the Block Settings icon on the block

    2. Click the Text button on the Logo Type

    3. Enter the logo text on the Text input box

    4. Click to Save button to apply

  • QHow do I adjust the size of the Logo?
  • A
    1. Click the Block Settings icon on the block
    2. Adjust the logo size by moving the slider on the Size/Logo Size
  • Q What is the Mobile Optimized Design function?
  • A
    When you use the Mobile Optimized Design function, the mobile menu will be shown with a mobile-optimized preset. If you want to use the same setting with your PC menu setting, turn off the Mobile Optimized Design function.

    1. Click the Block Setting icon on the block
    2. Turn off the Mobile Optimized Design function
  • QI do not have a Color Settings option on my Menu block settings.
  • A

    Your menu block is the older version if you do not have a Color Settings option on your Menu block settings.

    To upgrade your menu block, you can use the Change Menu Design function to apply the new version of the menu block.

  • QHow do I change the menu font color and menu background color?
  • A
    1. Click the Block Settings icon on the block

    2. Click the Menu Font option

    3. Click the Color Settings icon

    4. Set the menu font color and menu background color

  • QWhy is the image on the slideshow block cropped?
  • A
    The slideshow block has two types which are “Background Image Type” and “Standard Type”.

    The Background image type is the image shown to be covered without spaces on the block. So the part of top/bottom or left/right side of the image may crop when you reduce the display size. The background image type shows the notice when choosing the background image type of the slideshow block on the block list.

    The Standard slideshow block has a margin and an image display with the original image size.
    The standard slideshow block does not crop when you change the display size, as the image shows the entire image in any size of the display. Please use a standard slideshow block if you want to show an entire image in any display size.

  • QHow do I control the slide delay time?
  • A
    1. Click the Block Settings on the Slide Show block

    2. Click the Advanced tab

    3. Click the Slide Delay Time 

    4. Change the delay Time
    * Slide delay time is in milliseconds and can be set from 0 to 10,000 milliseconds(ms).

    5. Click the Save button
  • QText Editor Interface
  • A
    [How to active the Text Editor]

    1. Click inside of the text box on the block

    2. Drag the text

  • QIs there a limit to the amount of text I can enter on a page?
  • AThe text that can be entered in text area like 30,000 characters in English and 15,000 characters in Korean per block.
    Entering the text will be restricted when you entered the text over the limit.
  • QHow do I add a link to the button?
  • A
    1. Click the text area

    2. Drag the text are to add a link

    3. Click the Link icon on the Text Editor tool

    4. Select the link to add and click Ok button to apply
  • QHow do I edit the text in the button?
  • A
    1. Click the text area in the button

    2. Enter the text

    3. Click the outside of the button
  • QHow do I make a link to open in a new window?
  • A
    1. Click the text area

    2. Drag the text to add a link

    3. Click the link icon on the Text Editor tool

    4. Select the link option and check on the Open in a new window option
  • QCan I add a font that I want to use on the font list?
  • A
    The fonts that provides from Creatorlink are CC0 license which can be used for commerce. So, you cannot add a font that you want to use by yourself.

    If there is a font that you want to add to our font list, please check the font has a CC0 license and find a font that you want to use at the Google Font site first. And if the font has a CC0 license and available on the Google Font site, we can consider adding a font to our font list.
  • QCan I move the text box to other location?
  • AUnfortunately, you cannot move the text box to any location that you want.
    The text boxes are fixed its location cause it optimized to the responsive website for the best view on any device. 
  • QHow do I make users can download a file by clicking the menu, text, or image?
  • A
    There are two ways that you can let users download your file.

    [Using the File Download option]
    1. Click the link icon on the menu/text/image
    2. Select the File Download option and click the Attachment button
    3. Upload file to be download 
    4. Select the File and click to Use button
    5. Click Ok button to apply

    [Using the hosting or cloud service]
    1. Upload a file to the other hosting or cloud service (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc..)
    2. Copy the sharing URL of the file
    3. Go to the edit mode in Creatorlink
    4. Click the link icon on the menu/text/image
    5. Select the URL option and paste the URL of the file that you copied on #2
    6. Click Ok button to apply
  • QHow do I add or change the image?
  • A
    [How to change the image]
    1. Move your cursor over the image
    2. Click the Image icon 
    3. Select the image and click the Use button

    [How to add an image]
    1. Click the Block Setting icon on the block 
    2. Click the Add button
    3. Select the image and click the Use button
  • QDoes the image capacity have a limit?
  • A
    The site has a storage capacity, and storage capacity is different depending on the plans. 
    (Free : 200MB, Basic: 10GB, Business: 30GB)
    You can upload a maximum of 10MB per file.
  • Q Why is the image on the site shown broken?
  • A
    If you delete the image on the Image library, it also deletes the image on the website.
    So please think carefully when you delete the image on the image library.
  • QCan visitors download or print images from my site?
  • AVisitors can download images arbitrarily through HTML code, but Creatorlink prohibits visitors from using, distributing, or modifying images uploaded by users without permission.
    If you need a copyright mark on your work, please upload it by inserting a watermark using an image editing program.
  • QCan I upload large images?
  • AIf you need to adjust the size of an image, we advise you to use photo editing software, such as Adobe Photoshop. After adjusting the size of an image using such software, you may be able to upload it (uploaded images need to be less than 10MB (megabytes) in size).
  • QHow do I change the image size on the block?
  • A
    You can change the size of the image by using the Change Aspect Ratio option on the block settings. (Except the Slideshow block and Gallery block)

    1. Click the Block Setting icon on the block

    2. Select the image that you want to change on the Contents List

    3. Click the Change Aspect Ratio icon  

    4. Select the ratio you want to change
  • QCan I create a logo at the Creatorlink?
  • A
    Currently, there is no feature in Creatorlink to create your own logo. We suggest using an external site to design your logo for free.
    (When you upload your logo, remember to upload it as a PNG or JPG file for better quality, unless it has a lot of solid colors. Then a GIF file will do).

  • QWhat kind of file types for images can be uploaded?
  • A
    You can use any of the file types (Jpeg, Gif, PNG) supported for images on Creatorlink. 
    We recommend you use a jpeg file type for your site if possible. The jpeg file type has a small image size and good quality. So it helps you to improve your site loading time.
  • QWhat is the function of the small icons in the image block setting window?
  • A

    Depending on the block you're using, the available options and icons will differ.

    The following diagram explains what each icon is for.

  • QWhy can I not upload an image?
  • A
    Please check if the image satisfies the following requirements.

    - a JPEG, PNG, or GIF file
    - less than 10MB (megabytes) in size
    - the image's filename does not contain any special characters

    If the image satisfies the above requirements and you still cannot upload it, then you might have a problem with a setting on your computer or internet connection.

    Please try the following steps to resolve this problem:

    - Try uploading a different type of image (supported by Creatorlink)
    - Clear your browser's cache and try uploading the image again 
    - Sign out from your account, sign in again, and try uploading the image again.

    If one of the above solutions does not resolve the problem, please leave a question at the 1:1 Q&A.
  • QHow do I add a link to an image?
  • A
    1. Move your cursor over the image.
    2. Click the Link icon.

    3. Select the link and click Ok button to apply.
  • QWhat‘s the difference between the image type and Project type of the gallery?
  • A
    Image Type : This is a gallery type that displays the image according to the original size or screen size when clicking on a thumbnail.
    The is the best type for focusing on the image.

    Project Type : This is a gallery type that shows more details on a separate page when clicking on a thumbnail.
    This is the best type for showing more about the image with more text, image, video, and others.
  • QManage the Content Interface
  • A
    Image / Project

    1. Gallery List : It shows all Gallery blocks as a list, and you can select the Gallery to edit the contents.
    (  - Image Gallery,   - Project Gallery)
    2. Close : Close the Gallery Management. 
    3. Add : Add the contents on the Gallery.
    4. Category : You can turn On/Off the category. You can see the contents by category. You can edit the category by clicking the setting icon( )
    5. List Views : You can see the contents by 30, 50, or 100
    6. Contents List : Shows the contents in the Gallery. You can edit the contents.
  • QHow do I edit the contents?
  • A
    Image Type

    Project Type

    1. Edit
    Image type : you can edit the contents
    Project type : you can edit the contents and project page

    2. Duplicate : duplicate the contents
    3. Move : move the contents to the front of the list or end of the list
    * You can move the contents by dragging.
    4. Category : Add or remove the contents to the category
    * You can add content to multiple categories.
    5. Link : Add a link to the contents
    6. Invisible : Make contents invisible
    7. Transfer : Transfer the contents to another gallery
    8. Delete : Delete select contents
  • QHow do I change the block name in Content Management?
  • A
    1. Click the gallery list on the left top side of the content management

    2. Move the cursor on the gallery you want to change the name 

    3. Click the edit icon ()

    4. Change the name as you want 

    5. Click the Check button to apply

    6. The block name has been changed

  • QHow do I upload many images at the same time?
  • A
    1. Click the block setting icon( ) on the block
    2. Click the Manage the Content
    3. Click the Add button
    4. Select the images by dragging or select the images by holding down a Ctrl key

    * Slideshow block, Contents block, and image block can upload one image each time
  • QHow do I transfer the image to another gallery block?
  • A
    1. Select the content on the Contents Management

    2. Click the Transfer button

    3. Select the gallery on the list and click OK button

    * Also, you can choose to stay in the current gallery or go to the selected gallery after moving the contents
  • QHow can I show gallery contents by category?
  • A
    [Block Setting]
    1. Click the block setting button on the block
    2. Turn on the Category option at the Advanced > Category.
    3. Edit the category settings as you want
    4. Move your mouse over the image and click the Edit( ) icon
    5. Select the category and click the OK button

    [Content Management]
    1. Turn on the Category function
    2. Click the Category Setting icon
    3. Edit the Category items 
    4. Select the contents
    5. Select the Category option and apply the category
  • QHow do I add more categories to the gallery?
  • A
    [Block Setting]
    1. Click the Block Setting icon on the block
    2. Turn on the Category option at the Advanced > Category.
    3. Click Edit icon on the Items
    4. Click Add button
    5. Enter the name of the Category
    6. Click Check button
    7. Click OK button

    [Content Management]
    1. Turn on the Category function
    2. Click the Category Setting icon
    3. Click the Add button
    4. Enter the name of the Category
    5. Click the Save button
  • QHow do I duplicate the content of the gallery?
  • A
    1. Select the content on the Content Management
    2. Click Duplicate button
    3. Click OK button

    * If you duplicate the content that added a block link, the content is duplicated without the block link.
  • QCan I use regular blocks on the project page of the gallery?
  • A
    You can use the basic type of the Text, Divider, Image, and Video block for the free and basic plan.

    If you are using the Business plan, you can also use the Slideshow, Title, Contents, Text, Image, Video, Divider, Social, and Others(Countdown) blocks.
  • QHow do I move to another content project page directly?
  • A
    You can move another content project page directly if you are using the Bottom List function.

    1. Click the Block Setting icon on the block
    2. Turn on the Bottom List function

    You can find the Gallery list at the bottom of the project page.

  • QHow do I pin the specific blocks to every project page in the gallery?
  • A
    You can pin the specific blocks to every project page in the gallery by using the Pin function.

    Conditions to pin the block
    1. There must be more than 2 normal blocks in the project page
    (The pinned blocks are not counted)
    2. The block must be located at the top or bottom of the body area, or the block must be under the pinned block or above the pinned block.

    Before pinned the block
    After pinned the block
  • Q How do I hide the Comment, Social Share, and Bottom List on the project page?
  • A
    1. Click the Block Setting icon on the block
    2. Turn off the Comment, Share, or Bottom List function
  • QHow do I change the gallery layout?
  • A
    Most of the gallery blocks can change the gallery layout by using the Layout feature.
    You can set the Type, Number of Contents in a row, Space between contents, and Content height.

    1. Click the Block Settings icon
    2. Click the Layout 
    3. Set the layout options
  • QHow do I change the gallery design?
  • A
    Creatorlink provides a variety of gallery designs. You can always change your gallery design without losing your content data using the Change Gallery Design function.

    1. Click the Block Setting icon on the block
    2. Click the Change Gallery Design function
    3. Select the gallery design and click the Apply button
  • QHow do I show the products only for the members? (For Korean version only)
  • AThis option is only available for the Korean version.
  • QHow do I change the forum design?
  • A
    1. Click the Block Setting icon on the block
    2. Click the Change Forum Design icon
    3. Select the forum design and click the Apply button

    * The forum design will be applied to the published site when you publish the site.
    * You can only change the design with the same type of forum.
  • Q How do I recover the data of the forum after I deleted the forum?
  • A
    The data will permanently delete when you delete the forum block. So, you cannot recover the data once you deleted the forum block.

    Please think carefully when you delete the forum block.
  • QHow do I change the permissions for a forum?
  • A
    1. Click the Block Setting icon on the block
    2. Click the Advanced > Management
    3. Change the permission for each setting

    Admin : Only admin has permission to read/write posts
    All : All users have permission to read/write posts (including guests)
    Members : Only Creatorlink members have permission to read/write posts
    Nonmembers : Only nonmembers have permission to read/write posts
    Group : Only members of a specific group have permission to read/write posts
  • QHow do I write a post on the FAQ forum?
  • AOnly the admin can write a post on the FAQ forum in the Edit mode. On the published site, you can only read posts.
  • QHow do I change the order of the posts of the FAQ forum?
  • A
    1. Click the Block Setting on the block
    2. Click the Advanced > Change the order of posts icon
    3. Change the order of posts and click Save button
  • QWho can read a private post?
  • A
    It depends on the writer who writes a private post can read a private post.
    - If admin write a private post : Only admin can read a private post
    - If a member writes a private post : Only admin and member who write a private post can read a private post
    - If nonmember write a private post : Only admin and nonmember who knows the password for the post can read a private post
  • QWho can read a private post?
  • A
    It depends on the writer who writes a private post can read a private post.
    - If admin write a private post : Only admin can read a private post
    - If a member writes a private post : Only admin and member who write a private post can read a private post
    - If nonmember write a private post : Only admin and nonmember who knows the password for the post can read a private post
  • QHow do I set the private post?
  • A
    1. Click the Block Setting button on the block
    2. Click the Advanced > Other Settings
    3. Set the Private Posts

    Disabled : Not provide the private post option when writing a post
    Enable : Provide the private post option when writing a post
    Always enabled : Only can write a private post
  • QHow can nonmembers check private reply posts for their posts?
  • A
    The nonmembers can check the private reply posts after authorize themselves through the password confirm window.

    [If the nonmember post is a private post]
    1. Click the private post that nonmember write on the forum list
    2. Enter the password on the Password window and click OK button
    3. Go back to the forum list
    4. Click the private reply post

    [If the nonmember post is not a private post]
    1. Click the private post that nonmember write on the forum list
    2. Click the three dots icon on the right top side of the post
    3. Click the Modify button
    4. Enter the password on the Password window and click OK button
    5. Go back to the forum list
    6. Click the private reply post
  • QWhat is a Group in forum management setting?
  • A
    You can create a group with specific members. You can give permission only to the group.

    1. Click the Block Setting icon on the block
    2. Click the Advanced > Management
    3. Click the Groups Setting icon
    4. Edit the group like add a group, add a member, delete a member/group, and more

    * If you are using the Business plan and using the membership, you can add your site member to your group. If you do not use the Business plan or not using the membership, you can add Creatorlink members to your group.
  • QHow do I move to another post in the post?
  • A
    1. Click the Block Setting icon on the block
    2. Click the Advanced > Other Settings
    3. Turn on the Bottom List function

    You can see the forum list at the bottom of the post
  • QCan I be notified by E-mail when a post is written on the forum?
  • A
    1. Click the Block Setting icon on the block
    2. Click the Advanced > Send To
    3. Turn on the Use

    * If you do not want to receive an E-mail notification, you can always turn off the option to not receive an E-mail notification.
  • Q How do I show only some of the forum items?
  • A
    1. Click the Block Setting icon on the block
    2. Click the Advanced > Item/Color Settings
    3. Click the Items to enable the item or disable the item

    * FAQ forum does not support the Item Settings

  • QHow do I change the color set?
  • A
    You can choose the color set between the black and white.

    1. Click the Block Setting icon on the block
    2. Click the Advanced > Item/Color Settings
    3. Choose the color set
  • QHow can I set pre-populated text into the description field?
  • A
    By setting the pre-populated text into the description field, you can induce users to follow the rules or fill out the form.
    * FAQ forum does not support the description filed function.

    1. Click the Block Setting icon on the block
    2. Click the Advanced > Description Field Setting icon
    3. Enter the pre-populated text into the description field
    4. Click the Ok button to apply.
  • QHow do I show the recent posts on the forum?
  • A
    You can show the recent posts by using the Latest block.

    [Forum Block]
    1. Click the Block Setting icon on the block
    2. Click the Block Name/Link(Anchor)
    3. Change the name as you can easily recognize

    [Latest Block]
    4. Click the Block Setting icon on the block
    5. Click the Add button
    6. Select the Forums
    7. Click Ok button to apply
  • QHow do I add a video on my website?
  • A
    You can add two types of video blocks to your website. To upload a video, you need a video platform URL (Youtube, Vimeo, GfyCat, etc..) or a file URL uploaded on the hosting to add video on the video block. 

    [Basic Video Block]
    The basic video block type is the video play when you click the play button on the block.
    Support Video Platform: Youtube, Vimeo, Soundcloud, etc..

    1. Go to the video page on the video platform
    2. Copy the URL of the video
    3. Go back to Edit mode of the Creatorlink
    4. Click the block setting icon on the video block
    5. Paste the copied video URL on the input box

    [Background Video Block]
    The background video block is the video that keeps playing without sound on a PC. But in mobile, it shows the preview image instead play the video. 

    1. Using the video file on the hosting
    - Supportable Video File Format: MP4
    - Please make sure the “.MP4” must include on the Video File URL when you use the video file from the hosting.

    2. Using the Gfycat( service
    1) Access to the Gfycat (링크 :
    2) Click the Upload button
    3) Upload your video
    4) Copy the video URL
    5) Go back to Edit mode of the Creatorlink
    6) Click the block setting icon on the video block
    7) Paste the copied video URL on the input box
  • QWhy doesn’t my background video play in some browsers?
  • A
    If you use the hosting video URL for background video block, some browsers (such as IE) do not play the video as the browser does not support the Webm video format.

    * Internet Explorer browser will be terminating the service on Aug 17, 2021.
  • QWhat are the video requirements for a background video block?
  • A
    Resolution - 1920 x 556
    File Format - MP4(.h.264)
                   webm(IE does not support this format)
    Length - less than 15 seconds
    Frame rate - 15 - 30 frames/second
    Size – about 3 MB
  • QWhat is a preview image?
  • A
    Mobile devices do not fully support playback of background videos, due to complications such as
    different browser support of video file types. Therefore, we decided to use a preview image to replace a background video, and display as a background image.
    (Don't forget that a preview image will also display while a video is loading.)

    You'll need to upload your own preview image (otherwise the previously used image will be used).

  • QHow do I add a social media feed to my website?
  • A
    You can add your Instagram or Twitter feeds on your website by using the feed type of social block.

    1. Click the Advanced > Connected Social Accounts on the dashboard
    2. Click the Register of the Instagram or Twitter
    3-1. Enter the Twitter id 
    3-2. Log in to your Instagram account and accept the permission
    4. Go to the Edit mode and add the Social Feed block on your page
    5. Click the block setting icon
    6. Turn on the social feeds

    * When you click the "Go To Social Accounts Setting >", the "Advanced" page will open in a new tab.
  • QWhy I can’t see my latest social posts on my site?
  • A
    Each social media service takes some time to upload new posts to their servers, which can later be fetched as a feed.
    This process usually takes a few minutes. After that, you’ll be able to read your latest posts on your site.

  • Q How do I change the connected Instagram account on the social feed block to another Instagram account?
  • A
    1. Click the Advanced on the admin page
    2. Delete the Instagram account on the Connected Social Accounts
    3. Access to the Instagram site on the same browser
    4. Log out the Instagram account
    5. Log in with new Instagram account
    6. Go back to the Advanced > Connected Social Accounts 
    7. Click the Register
    8. Click Allow button on the Instagram permission window
  • QHow do I display my location using a map block?
  • A
    You can display your location using a Google Maps URL.

    1. Go to the Google Maps( site
    2. Search your location
    3. Copy the URL from the address bar in the browser
    * Short URLs are not supported

    4. Go to Edit mode of Creatorlink
    5. Click the block setting icon on the map block
    6. Paste the copied URL on #3 on the input box
    7. Click the Save button
  • QWhy is my map displaying the wrong location or not displaying at all?
  • A
    When you directly copy the URL after searching the location from Google Maps and paste it in the block settings window for your map block, it will display the right location. However, if you copy the URL after doing any of the following actions, the location data is changed, and your map block might display a different location.

    - Zoom in/out using a mouse wheel : It shows the different location
    - Move the center of the map : It shows the different location
    - Move the center of the map and zoom in/out using a mouse wheel : The map does not display properly
    - Use the Short URLs : The Short URLs are not supported.
  • QHow do I set the email for the notification of the Contact block?
  • A
    1. Click the Block Settings icon on the block
    2. Click the Setting icon on the Basic > Send To
    3. Enter the email address on the input box and click the Add button

    [Recipient E-mail]

    1. Input box : Enter the email address to add
    2. Add : Add the entered email address in the input box
    * You can add an email address when you use a premium plan for the site
    3. List : You can see the added email address
    4. Edit : Edit the email address
    5. Delete : Delete the email address
    6. Close : Close the Recipient E-mail window
  • Q How do I edit the Form block?
  • A
    1. Click the Block Setting icon on the Form block
    2. Click the Setting icon on the Form Config
    3. Edit the form items

    [Form Editor]

    a. Form Name : You can edit your form name.
    b. Title : Enter or edit your question title
    c. Item type : You can use 9 different item types.
        (Short answer, Paragraph, Single choice, multiple selections, Dropdown, Date, Date and Time, File Download, File Upload)
    d. Item Description : Add a description about your question.
    e. Item Description On/Off : You can turn on/off the description.
    f. Item Options : The option list for Single Choice/Multiple Selection/Dropdown.
    g. Add Option : Add extra option for the list.  
    h. Required : Make an item required.
    i. Delete : Delete the item.
        * When you delete the item, the received data also will be deleted. Please save the data as Excel file before delete the items if you need them. 
    j. Add Item : Add a new item on the form.
    k. Title Font : Change the title font style.
    l. Description Font : Change the description font style.
    m. Confirmation Message : You can change the confirmation message.
    n. Send to : You can edit the email address to receive the notice when you get responses.
    o. Privacy Policy : You can insert your own privacy policy for your form.
    p. Privacy On/Off : You can turn on/off to use the privacy policy.
    q. Done : Exit the form configuration window.
  • QHow do I check the received message from the Form?
  • A
    1. Click the Form button on the Alert table on the dashboard
    2. Click the Response button on the Block setting of the Form block in the edit mode
    3. Click the Title of the Form
    4. Check your received messages
  • QCan I save the received form data as Excel file?
  • AYou can download the data by clicking the Excel button at the right top side of the form data table.
  • QHow do I delete the received message of the Form?
  • A
    You can delete the received message by clicking the Delete icon.

    * If you delete the data, the data delete permanently, and you cannot restore it. Please, if you need data, back up the data before the delete.
  • QHow do I set up the Email address for the notification message of the Form?
  • A
    1. Click the Block Setting icon on the Contact block
    2. Click the Setting icon on the Form Config field
    3. Click the Setting icon on the SEND TO field

    [Email Setting Window]

    1. Field : Enter the Email Address that you wish to add.
    2. Add Button : Add the entered email address.
    * Only premium plan users can add more email addresses.
    3. List : List of the email addresses to get the notice messages.
    4. Edit : You can edit the email address
    5. Delete : Delete the email address from the list.
    6. Close : Close the Email Address window.
  • QHow do I change the Countdown date from Countdown block?
  • A
    1. Click the Block Setting icon on the Countdown block
    2. Click the Select date box on the Countdown Timer
    3. Select the date
  • QAbout Menu toolbar in the edit mode
  • A
    1. Navigation Settings : You can add, delete, edit, copy, link, visible/invisible or set permission about the menu
    2. Site Settings : You can set the various settings about the site such as the One-page style, Background, Default font, Background music, Popup, the button for mobile, Disable Right-clicks, Desktop version for mobile or Mobile zoom
    3. Undo : You can undo the steps and restore the data. Please note that the Undo is available only last 15 steps.
    4. 1:1 Q&A : You can always ask a question through 1:1 Q&A
    5. Guide : You can learn how to use the edit mode
    6. Preview : You can check how your site looks and works without publish your site
    7. Publish : You can update the edited contents to the published site
    8. Close : Close the edit mode. The edited contents are saved in edit mode and not updated to the published site.
  • QHow to update the edited contents to the published site?
  • A
    You can update the site by clicking the Publish button in edit mode.
    The edited contents do not update to the published site until you click the Publish button.
  • QHow do I unpublish the site?
  • A
    You can click the On/Off button to publish/unpublish the site on the dashboard.

    If you want to unpublish the site, turn off the button.
  • QHow do I edit the site without affecting the actual site?
  • A
    The edited contents are automatically saved and not be updated to the published site until you click the Publish button.

    Please note that this is a useful function when renewing or updating the website.


  • QWhat is a Premium plan?
  • AWhen you upgrade your plan, you can use various features for smooth website management and built branding for your website.
    Premium plan provides more storage space and traffic, Domain Connection, Favicon, remove Creatorlink brand, and more...
  • Q Is there a discount for annual payment for the Premium plan?
  • AYes, we offer a 20% discount for 12 months and a 30% discount for 24 months.
  • QHow can I upgrade my site?
  • A
    1. Click the Upgrade button on the admin page
    2. Click the Select button on the plan you want to be upgraded
    3. Select a Plan Length
    4. Review details and select the payment
    5. Click the Subscribe button to pay

    * A premium plan only applies to one site. To upgrade multiple sites, you may purchase and apply premium plans per site.
    * Premium plan will automatically renewal the subscription when you purchase with credit card. If you do not want automatic renewal, please uncheck the automatic renewal option from manage premium plan page.
  • QHow can I cancel my Premium plan?
  • A
    Yes, you can request to cancel your plan through a 1:1 inquiry. 

    You can get a full refund within 7 days from the day you subscribe to the plan. But if you have over the 7 days from the day you subscribe to the plan, you can get a refund by the following the calculation.

    Total refund = Total payment – Penalty fee – used months price
    * Penalty Fee: The Penalty fee is a 30% price of the total payment, including an initial setting fee and other services for premium plans.
  • Q What happens to my Creatorlink site if I cancel my premium plan?
  • A
    Once you cancel your premium plan, all premium features will be removed from your site, and space storage and bandwidth will be downgrade to basic capacity. The images you used in previous work will be preserved, yet there may be some restriction on the data and others if you exceed the usage of basic capacity.
  • QHow do I pay for my Premium plan?
  • AYou can purchase a Premium plan by PayPal.
  • Q Can I switch my Premium plan from one site to another?
  • A
    Yes, you can switch your premium plan to another website that does not use a premium plan.
    Once a premium plan has been removed from a site, a site will lose all premium services.

    1. Go to Manage Premium Plans page
    * Click the Plan button on the Admin page
    * Click the Premium Plans menu on the right top side menu on the Admin page.
    2. Click Switch Plan button
    3. Select a site to apply a premium plan.
       * Only sites which does not applied premium plan are available.
  • QHow can I turn off the auto renewal for premium plan?
  • A
    1. Go to Manage Premium Plans page
    * Click the Plan button on the Admin page
    * Click the Premium Plans menu on the right top side menu on the Admin page.
    2. Uncheck the Automatic Renewal option from your applied plan.

    If you want to turn on the Automatic renewal option again, just check the option again.
  • QHow can I get a tax invoice after paying my bill?
  • AThe tax invoice is only available for users who live in South Korea when they paid a virtual account.
  • QCan I re-issue the cash receipt?
  • AThe cash receipt is only available for users who live in South Korea when they paid a virtual account.
  • QCan I get a cash receipt by email?
  • AThe cash receipt is only available for users who live in South Korea when they paid a virtual account.
  • QCan I re-issue the cash receipt?
  • AThe cash receipt is only available for users who live in South Korea when they paid a virtual account.
  • QHow do I downgrade the premium plan?
  • A
    Unfortunately, you cannot downgrade the premium plan. If you want to use a lower premium plan, you need to disconnect the premium plan from the site and subscribe to the premium plan again.

  • QWhat are meta tags?
  • A
    A meta tag is a tag that is located in the head section of an HTML document (i.e. between and, found at the top of a web page’s source code. The content in these tags aren’t visible, but they contain important information about your site. 
    Simply, the data in meta tags allow a browser or search engine to gather information about a site and use it.

    The standard meta tag structure and an example are as follows:
    <meta name="title" content="Creatorlink"></p>
    <meta name="author" content="Creatorlink"></p>

    Choose the type of metadata for the name attribute, and the content of your chosen type of metadata for the content attribute. 
    Now, you are able to enter information about your site according to your specific needs and circumstances.

  • QHow can I edit the meta tag?
  • A
    1. Log in to the Creatorlink
    2. Click the Advanced
    3. Click the Edit icon on the Meta Tag
    4. Edit the Meta tags
    5. Click the Save button 
  • Q Which meta tags are provided and can I add more tags?
  • A
    The author, title, description and keyword types are default meta tags in your site. You can add extra new meta tags by clicking Add Tag button.

    The following Meta tags are examples that you can add to your site.

    subject : Website Subject
    publisher : Name of Organization or Company who created the site
    owner : Name of person in charge of site
    date : Created date
    distribution : Distributor
    copyright : Copyrights
  • QWhat is the Favicon?
  • A
    The Favicon is a logo that shows with the browser title on the Browser tab.
    The Creatorlink logo is set as a default favicon.
  • QHow do I change the Favicon?
  • A
    1. Click the Advanced on the admin page
    2. Click the Favicon icon on the Basic Info
    3. Upload the favicon image

    * We recommend you to use 256x256 size in PNG format.
    * To change the Favicon image, you need a premium plan for your site.
  • QWhat is my sitemap URL for my creatorlink site?
  • A
    Your sitemap URL is as follow:

    * The site id is the Id when you create a site URL.
    * You can also find the sitemap URL on the Marketing tab on the Admin page.
  • QHow to submit your website to Naver webmaster tools
  • A
    To get your website on the Naver search results, you have to submit your website to Naver webmaster tools.

    1.  Go to Naver Search Advisor (URL :

    2. Click the Webmaster Tools button

    3. Type in your website address and then click the submit icon on the right side of the bar
    * If you are adding your custom domain, you must add the “https://” and type the domain URL without “www”
    Example) (X) (O)

    4. Select the “HTML Tag option” and copy the value of the content of the meta tag
    * You can only verify your website with HTML Tag option

    5. Open the Creatorlink site with a new tab
    6. Click the Register button at the Marketing > For Search Engines > Naver Webmaster Tools on the dashboard
    7. Paste the value that copied on step 4 and click the OK button
    (Please use your own values of the meta tag and do not use the values on the image as they are just sample.)

    8. Go back to the webmaster tools page and make sure the HTML Tag option has been selected
    9. Click the Verification button to verify your website

    After complete to verify your website, you also need to submit the sitemap to the webmaster tools.

    [How to submit the sitemap]

    1. Click the site URL on the site list
    2. Click Request > Submit Sitemap
    3. Type the “user-sitemap” in the box

    4. Click OK button

    * It might take a maximum of 14 days to get your site from the Naver search result.
    * By search with “site: URL”, you can check whether your site is indexed or not indexed by the Naver search engine 
    * Edit the meta tag or add webmaster tools on your site are premium features. So, if your plan has changed to the free plan, some of the meta tags are replaced with the default text and webmaster tools are disabled. But when you upgrade to the premium plan again, it will restore your data, and able to use the webmaster tools
    * Please note that the portal site does not guarantee to index all registered site as the search engine algorism filtered the lower quality of the contents or as their policy
    * If you have more questions about the webmaster tools or about searching on the Naver, please ask via Naver customer center
  • QHow to submit your website to Google Search Console
  • A
    To get your website on the Google search results, you have to submit your website to Google Search Console.

    2. Click the SEARCH CONSOLE button

    3. Sign in to Google

    4. If you already have a property on your Google Search Console, click Add property on the property list

    5. Type in your site URL at the URL prefix and click the Continue button
    * If you are adding your custom domain, you must add the “https://” and type the domain URL without “www”
    Example) (X) (O)

    6. Click the Copy button at the HTML tag

    7. Open the Creatorlink site with a new tab

    8. Click the Register button at the Marketing > For Search Engines > Google Search Console on the dashboard

    9. Open the notepad program or other word program.

    10. Paste the copied meta tags on the document and then copy only the value of the content

    11. Paste the copied value of the content on the box and click the OK button
    (Please use your own values of the meta tag and do not use the values on the image as they are just sample.)

    12. Go back to the Google Search Console page and then click the VERIFY button at the HTML tag

    After complete to verify your website, you also need to submit the sitemap to the webmaster tools

    [How to submit the sitemap]
    1. Go to Google Search Console and select the site from the property list.

    2. Click the Index > Sitemaps 

    3. Type in the “user-sitemap” and click the SUBMIT button

    3. Sitemap has been submitted
    제출된 사이트 맵 목록에 user-sitemap 행 전체를 범위 지정하여 강조 효과 + ‘제출완료’ 문구 삽입.

    * It might take a maximum of 14 days to get your site from the Google search result.
    * By search with “site: URL”, you can check whether your site is indexed or not indexed by the Google search engine 
    * Edit the meta tag or add webmaster tools on your site are premium features. So, if your plan has changed to the free plan, some of the meta tags are replaced with the default text and webmaster tools are disabled. But when you upgrade to the premium plan again, it will restore your data, and able to use the webmaster tools
    * Please note that the portal site does not guarantee to index all registered site as the search engine algorism filtered the lower quality of the contents or as their policy
    * If you have more questions about the webmaster tools or about searching on Google, please ask via Google customer center
  • QHow to submit your website to Bing Webmaster Tools
  • A
    To get your website on the Bing search results, you have to submit your website to Bing webmaster tools.

    2. Type in your site URL at the Add your site manually and click the Add button
    * If you are adding your custom domain, you must add the “https://” and type the domain URL without “www”
    Example) (X) (O)

    3. Select the “HTML Meta Tag” and click the Copy button at the HTML tag

    4. Open the Creatorlink site with a new tab

    5. Click the Register button at the Marketing > For Search Engines > Bing Webmaster Tools on the dashboard

    6. Paste the copied value of the content on the box and click the OK button
    (Please use your own values of the meta tag and do not use the values on the image as they are just sample.)

    7. Go back to the Bing webmaster tools page and then click the VERIFY button at the HTML Meta Tag

    After complete to verify your website, you also need to submit the sitemap to the webmaster tools.

    [How to submit the sitemap]
    1. Click the Sitemaps menu

    2. Click the Submit sitemap button on the Sitemaps menu

    3. Type the “https://URL/user-sitemap” in the box and click the Submit button
    Example) If the URL is “”, type the “”
    * You can find your sitemap URL at the Marketing > For Search Engine > Sitemap URL in the Creatorlink dashboard.

    4. Sitemap has been submitted

    * It might take a maximum of 14 days to get your site from the Bing search result.
    * By search with “site: URL”, you can check whether your site is indexed or not indexed by the Bing search engine 
    * Edit the meta tag or add webmaster tools on your site are premium features. So, if your plan has changed to the free plan, some of the meta tags are replaced with the default text and webmaster tools are disabled. But when you upgrade to the premium plan again, it will restore your data, and able to use the webmaster tools
    * Please note that the portal site does not guarantee to index all registered site as the search engine algorism filtered the lower quality of the contents or as their policy
    * If you have more questions about the webmaster tools or about searching on the Bing, please ask via Bing customer center
  • QHow to submit your website to Daum Webmaster Tools
  • A
    2. Click the Get a PIN code
    3. Enter your site URL and Pin code 
    * The Pin code is the same as the password. 

    4. Check on the agree to terms and conditions
    5. Click the Copy to the clipboard to copy the Authentication key
    6. Go to the Creatorlink > Marketing > For Search Engines and paste the Authentication key on the Daum Webmaster Tools
    7. Go back to the Daum webmaster tools and enter your site URL and Pin code to confirm your site.
  • QI can’t verify my site when register to the webmaster tools.
  • A
    There are several cases that the webmaster tools can’t verify your site.

    1. When the domain connection is unstable.
    When you connect your custom domain and change the nameservers, it takes almost 48 hours to make connections stable. So, make sure your domain nameservers have been changed and try it after 48 hours since you change the nameservers. Also, if you connect the domain with forwarding, the webmaster tools cannot recognize your domain has been connected properly, neither.

    2. When you register the custom domain with “Http://” or “www.”
    - The custom domain that connected to the Creatorlink site only supports the “https://”, So webmaster tools cannot recognize the custom domain that with “HTTP://”. 
    - Every domain that provides from Creatorlink and connected custom domain does not support the URL with “www”. You can access your site with “www.+ your domain address” as we redirect to the domain address that does not have “www”. Therefore, webmaster tools cannot recognize the domain address with “www.”.

    Example) (O) (X) (X)
  • QHow do I apply the same meta tags to all pages?
  • A
    You can apply the same meta tags contents to all of the pages using the Apply to All Pages button.
    * The Apply to All Pages button is available for the premium plans and multipage style.

    1. Click the Advanced > Basic Info > Meta Tag Edit icon
    2. Edit the contents of the meta tags
    3. Click the Apply to all pages button
    4. Click the Save button
  • QHow do I undo the meta tags?
  • A
    You cannot undo the meta tags so please think carefully when you change the meta tags.
    So please think carefully when you save the meta tags after the change.
  • QHow to change the Title of the site.
  • A
    1. Click the Advnaced > Basic Info > Browser Title Edit icon
    2. Edit the Title 
    3. Click the Save button

     * You can change each page of the title by using the Meta tag
    * You can apply the same meta tags information to all pages by clicking the Apply to All Pages on the Meta Tags window.
    * If you already share your site URL through SNS, the information may take time to be updated to the new information depending on the SNS server.
  • QHow do I use RSS for the site?
  • AUnfortunately, Creatorlink does not support the RSS feature. If you need RSS for the webmaster tools, please do not worry about the RSS as it is not a necessary feature for the webmaster tools.
  • QHow do I use Google Analytics for my site?
  • A
    You can register Google Analytics to your site by adding Tracking ID.

    1. Go to Google Analytics 
    2. Create an account and get your tracking ID
    3. Go to Creatorlink site and sign in.
    4. Click the Marketing > Analytics > Google Analytics Register.
    5. Enter the Tracking ID
    6. Click the Save button

  • Q How do I use the Naver Analytics for my site?
  • A
    You can register Naver Analytics to your site by adding Naver Analytics ID.

    1. Go to Naver Analytics 
    2. Register your Site to Naver Analytics.
    3. Create an account and get your Naver Analtyics ID
    4. Go to Creatorlink site and sign in.
    5. Click the Marketing > Analytics > Google Analytics Register.
    6. Enter the Tracking ID
    7. Click the Save button
  • Q What is the Facebook Pixel?
  • A
    The Facebook pixel is a piece of code for your website that enables you to measure, optimize and build audiences for your Facebook ad campaigns.
  • QHow do I use the Facebook Pixel on my site?
  • A
    1. Sign in to your Facebook account.
    2. Go to Facebook Pixel tab in Ads Manager.
    * You can also go to Facebook Pixel tab by clicking [Assets] > [Pixels] menu in the Ads Manager.

    3. Click Create a Pixel button
    4. Enter a name for your pixel and click Next button.
    5. Click Copy and Paste the Code option.
    6. Click Email Instructions button at the right bottom of Install Pixel window   
    7. Copy the Facebook Pixel ID
    8. Close the Email Pixel Code window

    9. Go to and sign in with your account
    10. Click Marketing > Analytics > Facebook Pixel Register
    11. Enter your Facebook Pixel ID 
    12. Click the Register button
    13. Check your pixel data at the Facebook Pixel page.
    * You may able to check your data after a day from the date that you register the Facebook Pixel ID at your Facebook Pixel page.
  • QHow do I change the social sharing image that when I share my site URL through social media?
  • AYou can use the site's first-page screenshot image as the social sharing image, or you can upload the image for the social sharing image.

    [Change the social sharing image at the preview image on the admin page]
    1. Move the cursor over the preview image on the top side of the admin page
    2. Click the social sharing image button
    3-1. Select the Site Screenshot option and click the Update button to use the site screenshot as the social sharing image
    3-2. Select the Image File option and upload the image for the social sharing image

    [Change the social sharing image at the advanced tab on the admin page]
    1. Click the Advanced tab on the admin page
    2. Click the Edit icon at the Basic Info > Social Sharing Image
    3-1. Select the Site Screenshot option and click the Update button to use the site screenshot as the social sharing image
    3-2. Select the Image File option and upload the image for the social sharing image


  • QHow do I know my website domain address?
  • A
    You can check your site domain address at the top side of the dashboard.

    If you have connected the domain, the domain address will be shown instead of the Creatorlink free domain address.
  • QHow do I change the free Creatorlink domain address?
  • A
    The domain address that Creatorlink provides for free cannot be changed. So please think carefully when you create the Free Creatorlink domain.

    * If you connect the custom domain to your Creatorlink website, the Creatorlink site uses the connected domain as the main domain.
  • QWhat is the Connect a Domain?
  • A
    If you have your own domain(e.g.,, you can connect the domain to your  Creatorlink website( You can access your site with a connected domain URL, and you can also access your site with your Creatorlink domain URL.

    * Creatorlink does not sell the domain yet. So you need to purchase a domain from a domain provider like GoDaddy, Whois, and others.
  • QHow can I connect my domain?
  • A
    1. Choose a site which is using a Premium plan.
    2. Click ‘Connect a Domain’ button next to the Site URL   

    3. Enter the domain and click ‘connect’ button.

    4. You will get 4 nameservers.

    5. Login to your domain provider website.
    6. Add provided 4 nameservers to your domain.

    * It may take maximum 48 hours to connect domain.
    * Please note that if your premium plan expires, your domain connection will also be disconnected.
  • QHow can I register MX Records to use email with custom domain?
  • A
    You can customize your email address by using your own domain.
    To do this, you may need to connect your domain and email service.
    When you set up the business email service from Gmail, Icloud, Hotmail, Naver Works, Daum Smart Work or more, you will get MX Records. Give us your MX Records and domain information and ask us to connect the MX Records with registered domain via 1:1 inquiry.
    We will connect the MX Records with your domain for you. It will take a maximum 48 hours to take effect.
  • QHow do I connect the Korean character domain?
  • A
    Unlike general English domains, Korean domains can be connected after converting them to Punycode format. 

    2. Enter the Korean character domain without “https://”
    e.g.) https://크리에이터링크.com (X) / 크리에이터링크.com (O)
    3. Copy the puny code from Output
    4. Click the Connect a Domain button on the Creatorlink dashboard
    5. Paste the copied puny code on the URL input box
    6. Click the Create button
    7. Check the provided nameservers
    8. Change your domain’s nameservers to the provided nameservers

    * If the domain provider requests the IP address for the nameservers, copy and paste the provided IP addresses.
    * After changing the nameservers, it may take 48 hours to take effect.
  • QAre there any other ways to connect a domain other than changing the nameserver?
  • A
    You can only connect the domain to your Creatorlink website by changing the nameservers.
    Check that your domain provider allows you to change the nameservers for your domain before connecting your domain.
  • QHow do I apply the SSL certificates(https://) to my domain?
  • A
    Creatorlink provides the SSL certificates to all connected domains include free Creatorlink domains for free.

    The SSL certificates are applied when you connect the domain with your Creatorlink website. So you can use the domain with "https://" within 48 hours.
  • QI can’t access my website with my domain.
  • A
    1. Nameservers have not changed
    If you do not change your domain nameservers to the Creatorlink’s nameservers provided when you connect the domain, the domain is not connected properly. In this case, please change your domain nameserver to Creatorlink’s nameservers. You can change the domain nameservers at the domain providers.

    2. Not applied the SSL(Https://)
    If you see the following page when you access the site with a connected domain, the SSL(Https://) is not connected yet.

    The SSL is applied within 48 hours of in-office hours after the nameservers have been changed. If you still cannot connect the domain with SSL(Https://), please check your domain via a 1:1 inquiry.

    Premium plan has been expired
    To connect the custom domain requires the premium plan. When your premium plan has expired, the page shows the following page instead of accessing the site.

    As soon as you apply the premium plan again, your domain is connected immediately without additional work.
  • QHow do I use another URL address instead of the menu name?
  • A
    Creatorlink website uses the menu name as the menu URL address. So you cannot use another URL address instead of the menu name.

    e.g.) If the menu name is “portfolio,” the URL address is “
    You cannot change the “portfolio” menu URL address to “”


  • QCan I set up a membership for my site?
  • A
    Yes, you can set up the membership by upgrading to the Business plan.

    For more information about the business plan, please refer to the following URL.
  • QWhere can I set up the membership for the site?
  • A
    If you have upgraded your site to a higher than the Business plan, you can move to the membership setup page in two ways.

    1. Click the Manage Members on the admin page
    2. In the Edit mode, you can move to the Membership setup page by clicking the Site Settings > Login/Register Edit icon

  • QHow do I approve the members?
  • A
    You can approve the members in two ways.

    Automatic: Automatically approve the members when they joined
    Manual: Manually approve the members at the Requests menu.

    1. Click the Manage Members > Requests on the admin page
    2. Click the Approve/Deny button on the Action field
  • QWhat is CAPTCHA?
  • AA CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) is a program intended to distinguish human from machine input, typically as a way of thwarting spam and automated data extraction from websites. For your website security, we recommend you use the CAPTCHA for member registration.
  • Q How do I use the CAPTCHA for member registration?
  • A
    1. Click the Manage Members > Register on the Admin page
    2. Turn on the Captcha 
  • QHow do I modify the registration form for the member registration page?
  • A
    You can add more registration items to acquire the member data at the Manage Members > Register > Registration Form on the admin page.

    The Business plan registration form required the ID, Password, Email, and Nickname. Please note that required items are not able to edit.
  • QShould I have the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use?
  • A
    If you provide the service with your website, you must have "Terms of Use" on your website. When a dispute arises, the “Terms of Use” is essential as it is the basis of the judgment. Also, if your site handles the personal information, you should provide the information and acquire the agreement on how you gather, uses, discloses, and manages the personal information data. It fulfills a legal requirement to protect a customer or client's privacy.
  • QHow do I edit the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy?
  • A
    If you are using the membership, you can edit the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy on the Manage Members > Register menu.

    1. Click the Manage Members > Register on the admin page
    2. Edit the Terms of Use or Privacy Policy 

    * Creatorlink provides a sample of the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
    * If you want to roll back to sample text, delete all text in the box, save the change, and refresh the page.
  • QHow do I create a Privacy Policy menu and Terms of Use menu on my website?
  • A
    If you are using the membership registration feature, the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use are required. When you use the membership, the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use pages are automatically created.
    Please follow the steps to add the Privacy Policy menu and Terms of Use menu on your website.
    1. Go to Edit mode
    2. Move to footer
    3. Type the “Privacy Policy” and “Terms of Use” on the text area of the footer

    4. Select the “Privacy Policy” text.
    5. Click the Link icon in the Text Editor.
    6. Enter the following URL on the URL field - /siteinfo/terms
    7. Click the OK button to apply.

    8. Select the “Terms of Use” text.
    9. Click the Link icon in the Text Editor.
    10. Enter the following URL on the URL field - /siteinfo/privacy
    11. Check on the Open in a new window option
    12. Click the OK button to apply.
  • QHow do I block the member?
  • A
    You can block the member(s) at the Member List menu on the Manage Members page.

    1. Click the Manage Members > Member List on the admin page
    2. Select the member(s) that you wish to be blocked
    3. Click the Block button
    4. Click the OK button on the Block confirm window

    You can check the blocked members on the Block menu.
  • QHow do I unblock the blocked member?
  • A
    You can unblock the blocked members on the Blocklist.

    1. Click the Manage Members > Blocklist on the admin page
    2. Click the Unblock button
  • QHow does site member can delete their membership from the site?
  • A
    There are two ways to delete a member account.

    [Delete a member account on the Member My Page]
    1. Sign in to the website
    2. Click the My Account on the menu
    3. Click the Delete My Account button
    4. After checking the instructions, check the agreement
    5. Click the OK button
    6. Enter your password
    7. Click the Delete Account button

    [Delete a member account by admin]

    1. Click the manage Members > Member List on the admin page
    2. Select the members on the list
    3. Click the Delete button
    4. Click the Ok button
  • Q Can a user create a new account with deleted account information?
  • A
    Once the account has been deleted, the deleted ID and email address are not re-usable.
    If you want to recover or make it reusable with deleted ID and email address, please request Creatorlink 1:1 inquiry.
  • QHow do I download the member list as an Excel file?
  • A
    1. Click the Manage Members > Member List on the admin page
    2. Click the Excel button
  • QWhat is member level?
  • A
    Administrators can set levels 1-10 for members. The new member will start with level 1.

    Member level can be used when using the Site Members Only option, which allows access only to members of a certain level or higher in the Page Permission setting of the menu.

    [How to set up the member level]
    1. Click the Manage Members > Member List on the admin page
    2. Change the Level of the member
  • QHow do I edit the columns of the member list table?
  • A
    1. Click the Manage Members > Member List on the admin page
    2. Click the Filter button
    3. Select the items
    4. Click the Apply button


  • Q What is the Multilingual Websites function?
  • A
    The multilingual websites function refers to the ability to support multiple language websites with the same address. 

    For example, if you need Korean and English sites for globalization in the same service, you can set up Korean and English sites using the Multilingual Websites function. Then, Korean and English sites exist in the same site address, so you can individually edit and apply the site for each language.
  • QHow can I add the Multilingual Websites?
  • A
    Multilingual Websites function is available by applying a premium plan to the site. The multilingual website function is a function that allows you to use the website in multiple languages with the same address. Since the multilingual website feature does not provide an automatic translation, you need to change the text according to the language you set after switching to the site in the corresponding language in the edit mode. We recommend that you add a multilingual site after completing the default language site for more convenient work.

    1. Click Advanced on the Admin page.
    2. Turn on the Multilingual Websites.
    3. Choose and apply the default language.
    4. Click the Add Language.
    5. Choose and apply the language you want to add.
    6. Go to the edit mode and check the language option is available on the menu block.
  • QHow many languages are multilingual supported?
  • A
    Multilingual supports a total of 17 languages and the following languages are supported.
    English, 한국어(Korean), 日本語 (Japanese) , 中國語 (Chinese), Español (Spanish), Français (French), Deutsch (Germany), Русский (Russian), العربية (Arabic), Português (Portuguese), हिन्दी (Hindi), Italiano (Italian), Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese), Монгол (Mongolian), Orang indonesia(Indonesian), Türkçe(Turkish)
  • QHow can I change the order of the multilingual websites?
  • A
    Unfortunately, you cannot re-order the multilingual websites.
    So please think carefully when you add a multilingual website.
  • QDoes the multilingual websites function provide an automatic translation?
  • A
    Creatorlink’s multilingual websites function does not provide an automatic translation.
    After adding a multilingual website, you need to change the text to the translated text.


  • QHow can I change my ID(Email address)?
  • A
    Please tell us your current ID(Email address) and your new ID(Email address) through a 1:1 inquiry.

    * A new ID(Email address) must not a registered in Creatorlink.
  • QHow can I change my profile?
  • A
    For account profile
    You can change your account profile on the My account page.

    For profile per site
    You can change your profile for the site at the Advanced tab on your admin page.
  • QHow can I change my account password?
  • AYou can change your password on the My account page.
  • QHow can I find my password?
  • A
    1. Click the Sign In on the right top side of the Creatorlink site.
    2. Click the Forgot your password.
    3. Enter your ID(Email address) and security code.
    4. Click the Reset Password button.

    The password reset email will be sent to your registered email address.
    You can check the password reset email and continue to reset your password.
  • QHow can I delete my account?
  • A
    You can delete your account on the My account page.

    Please note that you can restore your account in 72 hours from the time you delete your account.
    Also, you cannot use the same ID within 30 days from the day you delete your account.
  • QCan I rejoin the site after I delete the account?
  • A
    You can use your deleted ID after 30 days from the day you delete your account.
    If you want to restore your account, please send an email to us( to restore your account within 72 hours from the time your delete your account.
  • QHow do I change the profile image and nickname per site?
  • A

    You can set the default profile information such as image and nickname at the My account.

    If you are using the premium plan for your site, you can set the site profile image and nickname separately.

    1. Click the Advanced tab on the admin page

    2. Click the Edit icon at the Basic Info > Site Profile

    3. Set the site profile image or nickname

    4. Click the Change button to apply


  • QWhere I can check the update?
  • A
    You can check the update through Notice page.
    We are doing our best to provide your more precious features and service.
  • QHow can I ask you questions?
  • A
    You can ask us through 1:1 inquiry, Contact Us, or
    Please ask us with details such as site URL, specific location of the problem, your browser, or more when you ask a question.
  • QHow can I offer the partnership with you?
  • APlease offer the partnership through or the Partnerships page, which locate on the footer of the site. We will confirm your offer and reply to you. The offer will be used for partnership review purposes only.
  • QHow can I check my browser version?
  • A
    Mostly you can check your browser version at the setting menu on your browser.

    1. On your computer, open Chrome.
    2. At the top right, click More icon.
    3. Click Help and select About Google Chrome.

    Internet Explorer 
    1. On your computer, open Internet Explorer.
    2. In the upper corner of Internet Explorer, select the Tools button.
    3. Click the About Internet Explorer.

    1. On your computer, open Firefox.
    2. At the top right, click the menu button.
    3. click Help and select About Firefox

  • QHow can I clear the cache?
  • A
    If the service function/UI is updated or errors has been fixed, sometimes the screen may not be displayed normally or the new UI may not be displayed immediately. In this case, the existing data remains in the browser or PC, so it may not be displayed normally. If you delete the browser's Internet cache and cookies and reset it, the problem will be solved.

    How to clear the browser cache 1
    Using the Keyboard shortcut.
    ◦ PC (WINDOW) : Ctrl + F5
    ◦ APPLE MAC : CMD + R

    If the above method does not work, please use How to clear the browser cache ② to clear your browser cache/cookies.

    How to clear the browser cache 2

    2-1. Open the Clear browsing data window by pressing the shortcut key (Ctrl+Shift+Del) in your browser.
    ◦ Chrome : Make sure that “Cookies and other site data“ and “Cached images and files” options are checked, and then click the Clear Data button. 
    ◦ Internet Explorer : Make sure that “Cached images temporary Internet files” and “Cookies” options are checked, and then click the Delete button
    ◦ Firefox : Make sure that “Cookies” and “Cache” options are checked, and then click the OK button.

    2-2. Please use following instruction for Safari on the Mac
    ◦ Safari (Mac) : Click the Develop > Empty Caches (Option + Command + E) menu to clear the cache.

    2. Reload the site

    If you need more help, please feel free to ask us through 1:1 inquiry.
  • QHow can I improve my website loading speed?
  • A
    There are several reasons that your website getting slow. There are some ways to increase your website speed.

    1. Reduce Image Size
    If you are using large-size images for your site, your site will get a slow loading time. To improve your loading time, you may reduce the image size by using Photoshop or other graphic editor tools.

     Recommend: Width: under 1920px, Size: 300~400k

    1. Run Photoshop
    2. Import an image
    3. Click File > Save for Web & Devices (Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S )
    4. Change Quality value to 80~90.
    5. Click Save button.
    If you do not have Photoshop in your computer, you can use below software instead of Photoshop.

    PIXLR , Photoworks , Alsee 

    2. Use Multi-Page Design for Website

    One-page design loads all images at the same time and it makes your website slow.
    So, if you are using the One-page design for your website and show lots of images, we recommend you to use a multi-page design instead of a one-page design. You can use a multi-page design by disabling the Site Settings > One Page Style option.
  • QHow can I delete the site?
  • A
    1. Click the Advanced tab on the Admin page
    2. Click the Delete Site
    3. Enter the “I Agree” on the input box
    4. Click the Delete button 

    * Please note that all site resources will be permanently deleted and cannot restore the data.
    * You cannot delete the site that applied a plan. Please remove or transfer the plan first on the Manage Premium Plans page
  • QHow can I transfer the site to another Creatorlink account?
  • A
    Please request us to transfer the site to another Creatorlink account through a 1:1 inquiry. The following information is required.

    - Site ID
    - Creatorlink account ID to be transferred
  • Q
  • A